L.O.V.E. cares about people
L.O.V.E. cares about the environment
L.O.V.E. cares enough to make a difference
L.O.V.E. is a land based social enterprise in Oxfordshire, which aims to empower communities to take responsibility for their own well being. When the resources of local land and the skills of local people are utilised, local economies can be developed. This can be done in an ethical and sustainable way to benefit the people and the environment.
We use local land as a stage for various activities:
Care Farming (use of agriculture as a therapy).
Mindfulness, Meditation and Yoga
Outdoor Workshops and Education
Community events and Local Enterprise
We currently have access to 5 sites:
a 2 acre smallholding in Wootton
a 25 acre paddock with herd of 18 horses near Garsington
a 3 acre organic vegetable garden in Long Hanborough, supplying its own local shop
a 20 acre smallholding with pasture and woodland in Cassington
an ancient riverside meadow with orchard in Eynsham
We are in collaboration with the following organisations: