Available sites
At Wootton, there are 2 acres with a water well, vegetable garden, yoga room, eco toilets, pigs and horses. Local businesses supply the project with free wooden pallets, which are used for woodwork and construction.
At Cassington, there are 20 acres of pastureland with woodland and stream, owned by the Humphries family. The land is occupied by a flock of sheep and chickens. Activities here can include collecting firewood, haymaking and lambing.
At Long Hanborough, there are 3 acres of organic vegetable garden, owned by Jonathan and Lucy. Also on the land are chickens and bee hives. The couple supply their own local shop in Eynsham, called the 'Market Garden'.
At Eynsham, there is a beautiful riverside meadow with an ancient orchard, containing the famous 'Newton Apple'. Catriona Bass, the author and conservationist, owns this land and is supported by Natural England. Activities here can include traditional scything, tree pruning and swimming in the river.
At Garsington, L.O.V.E. works in partnership with Jo Corfield and her 'Hope thru Horses' organisation. Jo uses her herd of 18 horses for equine therapy.